My story

This is my story.
It was like any regular day, I woke up, washed my face, brushed my hair. Normal.
Yet, something would happen that changed me forever.
It was extremely horrid weather, gunmetal gray skies and rain coming down in buckets. I was going to go out today with a couple of friends, but that was screwed as I didn't exactly feel like getting soaked. In lieu of a social life, I sat on a chair in the living room reading a book. It was cozy with a fire going. Every now and then, I'd check the sliding doors to assess the weather.
After a few minutes, there was a scratching on the glass. I looked over to the door, nothing there. I looked back to my book, the scratching occurring again. This time, a figure fleeted out of sight. ''An animal, ''I extrapolated. Thinking nothing, I continued reading my book. Scratching again. I stood and opened the door, my soaking dog running in.
"Hadassah!" I said, grabbing an old blanket off the coat rack. I began to dry him and his golden coat, and he began to bark at something behind me. I turned. Nothing was there. "Hush, boy. It's nothing." He continued to bark and I let him, but then his demeanor changed. His tail flopped between his fuzzy legs and his ears dropped back. Once again, I looked behind me. There it was, a twitching humanoid with what looked like a broken neck. He had glossy, black, empty eyes and a grin cut ear to ear. He contorted his body into impossible shapes as he began to near me, quicker than anything moving like that could have. My dog jumped up the stairs, leaving me alone with this monster. I backed away, eventually cornering myself at a wall. I grabbed the fire poker laying next to the fireplace and whipped him with it. Purple, coagulated blood poured from the wound, but nothing deterred it. It seemed to jump towards me, almost teleporting, and reached to me with it's long hands. They were cold as they wrapped around my neck, it's palms clammy and sweaty with excitement. With its other hand, it opened my mouth and it joined its own with mine. I felt air coming out of me, yet I still breathed and still felt. Its face drew away from mine, a white plume of smoke trailing into its mouth.
It disappeared, and I dropped to the floor. Hadassah ran over and licked my face.
I'm Sarah Palin, and this is my story.